How to Properly Brush Your Teeth With Braces

How to Properly Brush Your Teeth With Braces

Team Braces

Many children and adults with braces struggle with oral hygiene. Keeping braces clean is a significant concern because poor oral hygiene leads to adverse outcomes like tooth decay and gum disease.

This blog provides a comprehensive guide to tooth brushing for braces patients, giving adults and children a better outlook on oral health.

Step 1: Creating a Consistent Routine

Brushing and flossing are essential for everyone, but plaque and food can quickly accumulate on and between your teeth if you have braces. When plaque stays on your teeth, you have an elevated risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease.

With braces, it is best to brush at least three times daily. Ideally, brush when you wake up, after each meal and snack, and before bedtime. Do not skip any brushing sessions.

Step 2: Choosing Your Equipment


A soft toothbrush is the best choice for braces wearers. A harder toothbrush may damage your braces and irritate already tender gums.


Choose an approved fluoride toothpaste. Avoid whitening toothpaste since it will produce uneven coloration.

Interdental Brush

Using an interdental brush, which is available at any pharmacy, helps remove plaque and debris around the wires.

Step 3: Brushing

Rinse your mouth with water to help loosen any food debris. Hold your toothbrush carefully at a 45-degree angle to your teeth and begin brushing. Brush in gentle circular motions, careful not to put too much pressure on the gums.

The next step is brushing the tops of the brackets. Hold the brush at a downward angle. Repeat with the bottom of the brackets, holding the bristles upward at an angle.Brush for at least five minutes, covering each tooth surface and the braces themselves.

Step 4: Flossing

While flossing with dental braces can be challenging, it is an essential step. Use a floss threader to move the floss between the wires and reach your teeth. Floss threaders are also easy to find at the pharmacy. Use these with standard dental floss to protect gum health. You may also want to try a water irrigator to target stubborn plaque.

Frequently Asked Questions About Braces

What should I do if I'm away from home and can't brush my teeth after a meal?

Rinse your teeth with water after every meal if you can't brush.

Is an electric toothbrush good for braces?

Electric toothbrushes can be a great choice for braces wearers since they provide more efficient plaque removal. However, be careful not to press down with your brush to avoid damaging the gums.

Call Attleboro Pediatric Dentistry

Taking the time to care for your teeth will give you a bright, healthy smile after your braces come off. If you have any questions about the technique, please call our Attleboro, MA, office at 508-409-6160. We would be glad to guide you toward a healthier smile.